
Monday, December 28, 2015

Book Review: The Search for the Stone of Excalibur

This is another book that is impossible to put down. I would suggest reading the books in order to get the full impact of the adventures and their effects on the cousins. 

Continuing the adventure that began in Egypt a few months prior in The Secret of the Sacred Scarab, cousins Adam and Justin Sinclair are hot on the trail of the second Stone of Power, one of seven ancient stones lost centuries ago. This stone might be embedded in the hilt of a newly discovered sword that archaeologists believe belonged to King Arthur: Excalibur.

I loved watching how Adam and Justin began their coming of age in the first volume, and seeing them continue to hone their detection skills and recognize their strengths and fears.

The Search for the Stone of Excalibur is a joy to read and one we highly recommend for relucant readers to avivd readers.

Book Excerpt:
Adam shivered in the chilly air. It was hard to tell if it was early morning or late evening because the moon was still visible, a pale disc hanging in a dark gray sky. Ragged shreds of clouds scudded across the moon’s face, casting strange shadows on the ground in front of him. Mist floated around his ankles and swirled in soft eddies when he moved his feet. In front of him lay an open field, grayish green in the dim light. Farther away, he saw the mound of a huge hill. Adam got the feeling he had fallen through a hole in time—back to the Dark Ages, back to Arthur’s era.
He heard a faint howling noise in the distance. Wolves? Adam froze with fear. He desperately tried to remember whether there had still been wolves in England during the Dark Ages. There must have been because there was no other sound quite like the howl of a wolf. The hairs on his arms rose as he heard the howl again. Although he pinched himself to wake up, it was no good; he remained in the dream. At the sound of distant hoof beats, he shrank back against a large tree trunk. There was no time to run away because suddenly the drumming hooves were all around him. Then came the faint melancholy wail of a battle horn and the tinny sound of chinking metal. He could hear the crisp snap-snap of fluttering pennants and when he turned, he glimpsed banners waving among the trees. The surge of spectral riders halted and one man, seated on a white horse, appeared at the head of the cavalcade.
The eerie figure came closer, the horse lifting its feet carefully, clip-clopping right up to the trembling boy. The horse was huge, its trappings gleaming with pinpoints of metal rosettes, its long tail and mane hanging like ghostly cobwebs in the pale moonlight. The beast snorted and stamped restlessly. Adam saw the burnished glint of a helmet with a dragon-shaped crest topped by a red plume. Although the cheek pieces of the helmet obscured the man’s features, the shadowy figure was looking right at him. A red cloak swirled around the warrior’s body and, as the fabric swung aside, Adam saw the gleam of chain mail and the dark shape of a breastplate on the man’s chest. The warrior’s armor seemed more Roman than he expected. A banner flapped from the spear of a man behind the warrior: a red dragon on a white background. The warrior raised one arm, and a roar erupted as the sounds of cheering burst from what seemed to be thousands of throats. Although Adam heard strange words in another language, somehow he understood what the voices said.
“Hail the Pendragon!”
Adam was so close that he could have reached out and touched the rider. The spectral figure drew his sword from its scabbard and held it aloft. It seemed to Adam that he saw every detail with strangely magnified clarity. It was the same sword from the museum, but it looked so different now. The metal gleamed with a peculiar bluish sheen. Curious characters embossed the length of the blade. At the top, just under the crossguard, was a small circle with a seven-pointed star inside it. Sparkling gems decorated the hilt and pommel, with two dragons’ heads facing inward on the crossguard. The stone between the dragons’ open mouths glowed brilliant red. Suddenly, a fiery, almost blinding light shot from the stone, dazzling him. The white horse reared on its hindquarters. The radiant beam lit up the forest as the warrior whirled the blade around his head several times. Adam fell to his knees, shaking with a mixture of terror and excitement as he realized the second Stone of Power was embedded in the sword of Arthur. But the stone in the museum sword was nothing like this one.

Monday, December 7, 2015

It's All About Writing


Please join Marsha Casper Cook when she is joined by her editor Jeff Fleischer on December 8 at 1 PM EST NOON CT 11AM MT 10 AM PS. It's going to be fun and informative. Jeff is not only an editor he is an author, screenwriter, marketing specialist and very successful journalist. You won't want to miss this show.

Jeff will be talking about writing novels,short stories,screenplays and more!
The chat room will be open as well as the phone lines.

 714-242-5259 Please call in if you have questions for Jeff or Marsha.

 If you have a questions you can email Marsha and she will ask Jeff live on Blog Talk.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Marketing And Promotion

Thursday, December 3, 2015


Please join Marsha Casper Cook on December 10 th at 3PM ET 2PM CT 1 PM MT NOON PT when she welcomes her guests Lady Amber and three very successful authors Ciara Knight, Cameo Renae  and F.T. Zele.

It's going to be a lot of fun and very interesting because Lady Amber will be discussing how she promotes authors. Lady Amber is one of the best promoters of new and seasoned authors out there. She is constantly promoting and helping authors get to where they need to be in the changing book world.

The chat room will be open as well as phone lines.
                           (714) 242-5259

for more info

Lady Amber Faceebook

Thursday, November 19, 2015

WOI Show with Marsha Casper Cook and Virginia S Grenier

Join Marsha Casper Cook and "VS" Grenier on November 19th at NOON PST 1PM MT 2PM CT 3 PM EST for their premier show on THE WORLD OF INK NETWORK  when they discuss topics in response to their listeners questions.

It's going to be an open discussion and a live chat on Twitter.Over the last five years they have been asked so many questions that have not been answered about writing and marketing and everything in between. It's their turn to talk and to help other authors. They will be sharing their trials and their success on their new monthly show. Together they have built their network and have reached over two million listeners with their blogs,  websites and radio shows.

Virginia "VS" Grenier is one of the partners of the World of Ink Network. She is also a Silver Mom's Choice Honoree, Award-winning Author, Freelance Editor, Creative Writing Instructor at Dixie State University Community Education, Speaker, BlogTalkRadio Personality, Founder of SFC Publishing LLC and Director of the St. George Book Festival. She has been president of her local writing chapter, Heritage Writer's Guild, which is part of the League of Utah Writers (LUW) and is actively involved in literacy programs in Southern Utah.

Marsha Casper Cook is also a partner of the World of Ink Network. She is also an Agent, Award-winning Script Writer, Novelist, Writing Coach, Speaker, Media Release Specialist, BlogTalkRadio Personality and Founder of Michigan Avenue Media. Marsha is the author of more than 10 published books and featured-length screenplays and a literary agent with more than 15 years of experience.

For more info about advertising with World Of Ink Network at

To listen live and to call in, visit

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Picture Book on Hopi Indian Girl Shares a Story of Love and Tenderness

Live Radio Show on Wed. November 18, 2015 at 3pm Eastern - 2pm Central - 1pm Mountain - 12 noon Pacific

Welcome to BlogTalkRadio's featured World of Ink Network. Listeners will get to meet author Ellen Cromwell and illustrator/artist Desiree Sterbini as they chat about their newly released picture book about a Hopi (pronounced: hope-ee) Indian girl who takes readers through many metaphorical doors to explore the different aspects that make each our lives: family, friendship, culture, education, creativity, and nature.

TALASI... A Story of Tenderness and Love exposes children to new experiences as Talasi explores her native world and later the modern culture of the white man while holding to Native American beliefs and traditions.

About our guests on the show:
Author Ellen Cromwell is the founder of the Georgetown Hill Early Schools in Montgomery County, Maryland and has been an educator of young children since the 1970’s and is the author of early childhood professional texts and children’s books.

Artist, Desiree Sterbini creates award-winning works with oil pastels and colored pencils on textured paper and board. Desiree received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and continues to study through workshops and studio classes. Her oil pastel paintings have been exhibited and featured throughout the DC metro area and nationally.

The World Of Ink Network has endeavored to create radio shows geared toward excellence in the reading/publishing community. Our company has grown to a viral reach of nearly two million. If you'd like to be on our network or need commercial advertising, marketing and writing help, please visit our website

Newly released picture book about a Hopi (pronounced: hope-ee) Indian girl takes readers through many metaphorical doors to explore the different aspects that make each our lives: family, friendship, culture, education, creativity, and nature. 

TALASI... A Story of Tenderness and Love exposes children to new experiences as Talasi explores her native world and later the modern culture of the white man while holding to Native American beliefs and traditions. This charming and lovingly illustrated picture book teaches young readers how love and friendships get us over the rough spots in life and to never stop exploring the world around them.

Many American children are growing up in a multicultural world and are curious to understand all the cultures surrounding them. “Traveling through Arizona, I was terrible curious myself about what life on an Indian reservation was like when I visited a Hopi tribe,” said author Ellen S. Cromwell. “I wanted to understand the culture of these amazing people and visited with a kikmongwi, primarily a religious leader for the tribe. This experience truly touched me.”

TALASI…A Story of Tenderness and Love is about a young Hopi Indian girl named Talasi. Her name comes from corn tassel flowers that surround her pueblo home in Arizona. Tassels are tall, slender flowers clustered at the very top of corn. Corn, in its many forms, provides basic nourishment for Hopi People.

Wonderfully written, this children’s book clearly reflects the author’s fascination with the Hopi people and their history. Hopi means “peaceful person” or “civilized person” in the Hopi language and Ellen S. Cromwell evokes a compelling portrait of the Hopi Indians and how they truly are a peaceful people.

You can purchase “TALASI... A Story of Tenderness and Love” through Halo Publishing’s website (, Amazon, and B&N.

Listen to the interview at