
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Virgnia Templeton Has had some work done. Don't most women!

Virginia Templeton has had some work done!


         Every Man Wants Her

Virginia Templeton was one sexy Diva. In this first story of the Virginia Templeton series, Virginia pretends that she will seek Psychiatric help for what her husband considers a medical condition, enjoying sex with other men. Not that he really cared because he also loved having sex, with other woman. They deserved each other.

Virginia had ten years of marriage to Slater Templeton, a miserable son of a bitch, who had built up an empire far beyond anything anyone could have imagined. He was all about making money and having power, exactly the same goal as his wife. The only problem was they each had their own agenda.

They were a power couple. Virginia was the Diva and Slater was the Demon. They didn’t love each other but their powerful empire was their bond to each other. They both had secrets that would be with them until death do they part.

                                It’s Never Enough

In the second story of the Virginia Templeton series Virginia had a setback in her marriage and was forced to make some very tough decisions. When she discovered her husband was not the man she thought he was she didn’t panic, she took action. She was beautiful but more than that she was smart. She surprised everyone with her amazing credentials. She may have clawed her way to the top but Virginia never forgot how hard it was. On the other hand, she knew she could change her destiny and when everyone found out they would have no choice but to respect her intelligence.

 She enjoyed being roguish and she loved having sex. Between being a little bit mischievous and very naughty she kept herself busy and on track. To her, confidence was everything. The stakes were high but the game would be fun.

                             Stepping Up Her Game
In the third story of the Virginia Templeton series Virginia was certain she could step up her game and come out a winner. Failure was never in Virginia Templeton’s vocabulary.  During her intimate times with men she learned how to move up in the networking world. Chicago was her playground and power was the ultimate sexual pleasure.

She needed to know the truth as to why the Templeton Corporation was in serious financial trouble. She hired a private investigator to find out the truth, but before she knew it she was in bed with him. Her favorite saying was, give a man what he want in bed and he will give you whatever you want out of bed. This logic worked like a charm.

How could such a financially sound corporation lose so much money so quickly? When she finally put the pieces together, all hell broke loose. Could she bring The Templeton Corporation back on top? There was no doubt in her mind that nothing was going to stop her now.


Cover by: mostcool media, inc/JH Glaze
Formatted by: Mel's Easy E Book Formatting
Edited by: Jeff Fleischer

Monday, August 26, 2013


Monday, August 26, 2013


Please join Marsha Casper Cook on August 27 at PM PST 7PM MT 8PM CST 9 PM EST for a very special show when she welcomes the InDivas. The InDivas are a group of wonderful writers who believe in sharing and helping other authors market their work. They are hard working and very good authors.

Join in and have fun with Kelly Abelle, Mary Ting, Margaret Taylor, Jennifer Miller, Laura Hidalgo, Alexandrea Weis, Angela Corbett and M.r. Polish. It's going to be a great show. Melissa Keir will open up the chat room and help as a live chat goes on # world of ink network chat.

We will take calls 714-242 -5259

We will be having a special segment on Marketing by Rick Polson. he will be on at the beginning of the show. Making A Superstar Company - Rick Polson

 for more info
Please join Marsha Casper Cook on August 27 at PM PST 7PM MT 8PM CST 9 PM EST for a very special show when she welcomes the InDivas. The InDivas are a group of wonderful writers who believe in sharing and helping other authors market their work. They are hard working and very good authors. Join in and have fun with Kelly Abelle, Mary Ting, Margaret Taylor, Jennifer Miller, Laura Hidalgo, Alexandrea Weis, Angela Corbett and M.r. Polish It's going to be a great show. Melissa Keir will open up the chat room and help as a live chat goes on # world of ink network chat. We will take calls 714-242 -5259 We will be having a special segment on Marketing by Rick Polson. he will be on at the beginning of the show. Making A Superstar Company - Rick Polson for more info http://www/

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Edge with Cassandre Dayne

Join Cassandre Dayne every other Sunday at 2pm EST as she hosts a scintillating show highlighting the dark and dangerous works of authors, musicians and artists - those who take their work to the edge of reason, terror, beauty and eroticism. Find out what makes their inner beast tick.
On Sunday August 25th, 2pm EST, Cassandre welcomes horror author Christian Jensen. His books have been called nightmare inducing. Christian has over forty books in publication with titles including Amy Obeys I and II, Paranormal Reality and The Bitch. In collborative work with Cassandre Dayne, he takes the concept of terror to another level - one that will haunt you for the rest of your life.
Join in as Cassandre probes his dark soul.

Listen to the debut show at

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Book Review: The OWL Who Couldn't WHOO

Title of Book: The Owl Who Couldn’t WHOO
Publisher: Halo Publishing, Int.
ISBN Number(s): 978-1-61244-129-0
Genre of Book: Children’s picture book

“Join Ollie on his adventure in searching for his sister and learning the significance of being different.”

About the Book:
Ollie is known for one thing in his village: he is the only owl who cannot “WHOO.” The other owls tease him for saying “WHEERE!” or “WHEEN!” or “WHYY!” and sometimes “WHAAT!” All Ollie wants is to fit in, but when his little sister gets lost in the woods, Ollie discovers he can help.

While providing insightful perspectives on diversity, The OWL Who Couldn’t WHOO offers educators, libraries, parents and young readers a fresh new look on anti-bullying and self-confidence.

Overall Thoughts:
We really love this book for many different reasons. It is a wonderful book for young readers learning basic reading skills. You can also use the book to work with children with speech problems. Then you have the basic them of getting along with everyone, anti-bullying, following the rules and the most important, being happy with WHOO you are.

Places where available:,,, by author

About the Author:
Ever since LeeAnna Kail was little, she had an interest in writing. In fact, when she was in the fourth grade, she completed a career project and dressed as an author with dreams of writing her own book one day.

LeeAnna attended Duquesne University with a double major in political science and English with intentions of attending law school after graduation. While studying abroad in Rome, Italy, LeeAnna had a change of heart and decided to continue her education at Duquesne studying elementary education instead. She knew she found her niche the first day of class. Inspired by an assignment from a children’s literature course, LeeAnna's dream of writing a book has come true.

LeeAnna currently teaches in Pittsburgh and hopes to be an inspiration to her students to follow their dreams.

You can find out more about LeeAnna Kail, her debut children’s picture book and her World of Ink Author/Book Tour at

Follow LeeAnna Kail at
Twitter: @LA_Kail

To learn more about the World of Ink Tours visit  

Monday, August 12, 2013

LeeAnna Kail Guest Author on The Stories for Children Show

Author LeeAnna Kail on Blog Talk Radio’s  Featured World of Ink Network show:
Stories for Children - August 12, 2013 

Host Virginia S Grenier will be chatting with Debut Author LeeAnna Kail about her recently released children's picture book, The Owl WHO Couldn't WHOO published by Halo Publishing, Int.

About the Book: Ollie is known for one thing in his village: he is the only owl who cannot “WHOO.” The other owls tease him for saying “WHEERE!” or “WHEEN!” or “WHYY!” and sometimes “WHAAT!” All Ollie wants is to fit in, but when his little sister gets lost in the woods, Ollie discovers he can help.

Join Ollie on his adventure in searching for his sister and learning the significance of being different.

About the Author: Ever since LeeAnna Kail was little, she had an interest in writing. In fact, when she was in the fourth grade, she completed a career project and dressed as an author with dreams of writing her own book one day.
LeeAnna attended Duquesne University with a double major in political science and English with intentions of attending law school after graduation. While studying abroad in Rome, Italy, LeeAnna had a change of heart and decided to continue her education at Duquesne studying elementary education instead. She knew she found her niche the first day of class. Inspired by an assignment from a children’s literature course, LeeAnna's dream of writing a book has come true.
LeeAnna currently teaches in Pittsburgh and hopes to be an inspiration to her students to follow their dreams.

Find out more about our Guest Author and The World of Ink Network at

Listen to the Podcast at

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Monday, July 22, 2013

Hear some of your favorite authors read from their books!

 Romance books reading!

Please join Marsha Casper Cook on Tuesday JULY 23, at 8PM CST 9PM EST 7PM MT 6PM PST for a evening of fun. We will be focusing on how great books sound when they are read outloud. We are going to hear excerpts from CH ADMIRAND, AMANDA MCINTYRE, BETHANY CROSS, MELISSA KEIR and MADISON M MONTGOMERY.
call in number is(714) 242-5259

The phone lines will be open and so will the chat room.

for more info -

marsha casper cook
world of ink network
bethany cross
amanda mcintyre
ch admirand
Broadcast in Books