Children Should Read—A Lot!
by Maggie Lyons
How important is it for a child to read
well? Some states predict their prison populations based on the number of
students failing fourth-grade reading tests. (This fact was presented at a
Congressional hearing by Dr. Reid Lyon of the National Institute of Child
Health and Human Development.) According to the ProLiteracy organization, 63
percent of prison inmates can’t read. Prison is perhaps the direst of the
numerous consequences of illiteracy.
Here are a few more surprising facts published
by the ProLiteracy organization:
In the United States, 29 percent (63
million) of the population over the age of sixteen can’t read well enough to
understand a newspaper article written at eighth-grade level.
An additional 30 million adults (14 percent
of all US adults) only read at the fifth-grade level or lower.
Seventy-seven million Americans have only a
two-in-three chance of correctly reading—and therefore understanding—the label
on their prescription medicine.
Illiteracy costs the US government between
$106 and $236 billion each year.
These are just a few of the social
consequences of poor reading skills in the United States.
Learning to read proficiently takes a lot
of effort. Sally Shaywitz of Yale Medical School once observed that “reading is
the most complex of human functions.” But the rewards for grasping the skill of
reading proficiently make that effort worthwhile. A study by American
researchers Cunningham and Stanovich found that, not surprisingly, the more children
read, the more they expand their vocabulary, improve their spelling skill, and
increase their verbal fluency and general knowledge. And common sense suggests
that reading proficiency improves writing skill too.
But the benefits don’t stop there. A
British project, Every Child a Reader, has found, among other things, that
children who learn to read well enjoy learning. Their social interaction with
adults and classmates improves and their self-confidence is boosted.
The key to improved academic achievement
lies in the amount of reading a child does. Just adding an extra ten minutes
per day can dramatically increase children’s exposure to words and, by
extension, improve their ability to comprehend what they read. For example,
according to researchers Anderson, Wilson, and Fielding (article in Reading Research Quarterly, vol. 23) students
who read for only 1.8 minutes per day, read 106,000 words a year. If those students
were to increase their reading to around eleven minutes per day, they would read
almost 700,000 words per year, an increase of a whopping 556 percent.
Studies indicate that the most productive
reading in terms of academic achievement comes from voluntary, independent
reading—that is, reading outside school. Children who enjoy reading so much
that they happily read outside school are the ones most likely to develop significant
cognitive skills—and most probably social skills—the fastest. This is where adults
can have an enormous influence. Encouraging children to read should be a
primary goal for all adults who care about the children in their lives.
Maggie Lyons is a writer and editor who was born in Wales and crossed
the pond to Virginia. With no regard for the well-being of her family and
neighbors, she trained as a classical pianist. Then came a career of putting
rear ends on seats—that is, orchestral management, marked by reams of marketing
and fundraising writing and program note scribbling for audiences, many of whose
first priority was to find their names in the donors’ lists. Editing for academic publishers also brought
plenty of satisfaction—she admits she has a fondness for nerds—but nothing like
the magic she discovered in writing fiction and nonfiction for children.
Several of her articles, poetry, and a chapter book miraculously appeared in Stories for Children Magazine and knowonder! magazine. She hopes her stories encourage reluctant young readers to turn a
page or two.
Her middle-grade adventure story Vin and the Dorky Duet is available as
an e-book at MuseItUp Publishing’s bookstore (MuseItYoung section), on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B008AK7ALE,
and as a paperback at Halo Publishing International at http://halopublishing.com/bookstore/Maggie-Lyons.
Dewi and the Seeds of Doom, a
middle-grade adventure story, will be released as an e-book by MuseItUp
Publishing in October. Halo Publishing International will release the paperback.
More information at:
www.maggielyons.yolasite.com and www.facebook.com/MaggieLyonsChildrensBooks
The World of Ink Network is
touring author Maggie Lyons’s contemporary children’s chapter book, Vin and the Dorky Duet throughout August
and September 2012. You can find out more about Maggie Lyons’ World of Ink
Author/Book Tour at http://tinyurl.com/9t24kgy
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