
Monday, January 12, 2015

Book Review: Shadow TEARS by A.J. Tupps

Have you ever wondered who lives in the shadows?  Selena Goodwin knows it is not just the boogey man but another realm.  Selena discovers herself in an entirely different world from her own and must adapt to her new life she did not know she had.  Suddenly she is plunged into a world of secrets, deception and death.  This time in her life was supposed to be the best.  Then again that would only happen if she could learn to trust more than her adoptive father.  How will she find out how to become the woman she is destined to be?  Selena doesn’t just face the challenges of maturing, falling in love but must learn to survive as a child made of three worlds.  Not only that but she must rely on people she never expected to enter her life.  All her interest of mythology, lore and the paranormal are tested in reality.  Who said growing up was easy?  They hadn’t lived, have they?

This book is a YA novel, however, it is loaded with mythology, paranormal, fantasy and much more. I like historical based stories and the elements of history mixed with fantasy in this story were a surprise as I read. The idea behind the plot is there are another realms and the one of shadows really captured my imagination. As a new author, it would be hard to balancing the different realms, but Tupps did a beautiful job in keeping it all straight and engaging.

This story is like no other I have read for a long time. It is filled with angst and it is difficult not to empathize with Selena. But she overcomes so much grief and hardship for a girl her age. What was also wonderful about this book and a typical theme among YA novels is the coming of age story plot. Readers of all ages will be able to relate to the characters and understand the pains of growing up not only in our own world, but in alternate realms as well.

Title of Book: Shadow Tears
Publisher: Halo Publishing, Int.
ISBN Number: 978-1-61244-310-2

Places where book is available for sale: Halo Publishing, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Ingram Distributing, Nook, Kindle, B. Dalton, Bowker Books, and many


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