Martha Graham, a famous dancer and choreographer in the early 20th century, wrote in a letter to one of her students:
"There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique, and if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium; and be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, not how it compares with other expression. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open."Graham's words ring true. There is only one of you in the world:
The way you think, the way you see things, the way you respond, the way you nurture yourself and other people, the way you go about doing mundane things.
The way you love, the way you express, the way you tell a story, the way you write.
The world will know of and witness only one you. The totality of you -- talents, nuances, thought processes, expressions -- will never be repeated.
Hide the real you from the world and the world is deprived of your uniqueness.
But graver than hiding is constantly measuring yourself against others, and finding and deciding you are not good enough. Too much self-criticism is the downfall of many. It derails many a pursuit, dream, passion.
Look honestly within and find if you have been doing this to yourself. And if you have -- it doesn't matter up to what extent -- take out a measuring cup and get a scoop or two of self-kindness.
And then apply Graham's words to your life:
"It is not my business to determine how good I am, not how I compare with others. It is my business to do what I believe is true to who I am, and pursue the passions that fulfill my sense of self."Make it your business to own you with no reservations or conditions.
Then bask in the knowledge that there will never be another with a soul that is exactly as unique as yours.
Writing activity: Write about how you nurture others -- your child, a parent, your spouse, a friend. Write about how you do it -- the ways that are uniquely yours.
Write under the comfy blanket of self-acceptance.
Copyright © Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ
About Shery: Shery is the creator of WriteSparks!™- a software that generates over 10 *million* Story Sparkers for Writers. Download WriteSparks!™ Lite for free at