Please join Marsha Cook Tuesday January 31 at 9 PM-EST, 8PM CST- 7PM MT - 6 PM- PST for an entertaining and informative discussion on writing screenplays and books.
The very special guest for the evening is Jack Remick. Jack co-authored The Weekend Novelist Writes a Mystery, with Robert J. Ray. He has a collection of short fiction, Terminal Weird (Black Heron Press), a novel, The Stolen House (Pig Iron Press) as well as work in The Seattle Five Plus One, an anthology (Pig Iron Press). Jack’s stories and poems have appeared in national magazines such as Carolina Quarterly, Portland Review, Big Hammer, CafĂ© Noir Review, and Northwind. You won't want to miss this show!
You can check out all his books at
More info on the shows at
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
What is Success Show 01/27 by WorldOfInkNetwork | Blog Talk Radio
Please join hosts VS Grenier & Marsha Cook on January 27th at 1PM EST – 12PM CT – 11AM MT – 10AM PST.
This is a discussion based show. Marsha and Virginia will be happy to take your calls if you have questions.
Call in number - 714-242-5259
Writing a book can be a challenge enough but when you're looking for a place to start when searching for a writing coach, editor, publisher and someone to help with marketing, the choice are endless and many cost more than you can afford. What is a writer to do? Marsha Casper Cook and Virginia (VS) Grenier have become experts on this very subject and both know there great new companies and people out there who can help. Between them, they have over 50 years of experience with the publishing and marketing world.
You can call in, post your questions in our chat room or email your questions to us here at Blog Talk Radio.
Call in number - (714) 242-5259
Info at or Visit our blog and learn more about us and our guest at http://worldofinknetwork.blogspo
Listen to the show at the link below
What is Success Show 01/27 by WorldOfInkNetwork | Blog Talk Radio
This is a discussion based show. Marsha and Virginia will be happy to take your calls if you have questions.
Call in number - 714-242-5259
Writing a book can be a challenge enough but when you're looking for a place to start when searching for a writing coach, editor, publisher and someone to help with marketing, the choice are endless and many cost more than you can afford. What is a writer to do? Marsha Casper Cook and Virginia (VS) Grenier have become experts on this very subject and both know there great new companies and people out there who can help. Between them, they have over 50 years of experience with the publishing and marketing world.
You can call in, post your questions in our chat room or email your questions to us here at Blog Talk Radio.
Call in number - (714) 242-5259
Info at or Visit our blog and learn more about us and our guest at http://worldofinknetwork.blogspo
Listen to the show at the link below
What is Success Show 01/27 by WorldOfInkNetwork | Blog Talk Radio
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
The Families Matter Show 01/25 by WorldOfInkNetwork | Blog Talk Radio
Airs live 6pm EST - 5pm CST - 4pm MST - 3pm PST
The Families Matter show airs live once a month on the 4th Wednesday.
This months show topic is on Divorce.
We will be talking about tips for parents and children dealing with this tough life changing event. When it comes to divorce, everyone is touched by its awful power.
We will be talking about tips for parents and children dealing with this tough life changing event. When it comes to divorce, everyone is touched by its awful power.
The idea of this show is to have guests and listeners (adults or kids) share information to help empower children and their families.
Please post any questions or stories you would like us to answer or share on the show. You are also invited to call in and join the conversation.Listen at
The Families Matter Show 01/25 by WorldOfInkNetwork | Blog Talk Radio
A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORY with Host Marsha Casper Cook 01/24 by WorldOfInkNetwork | Blog Talk Radio
Please join Marsha Cook on Tuesday January 24 at 8 pm cst- 9pm est 7pm mt -6pm pst for an entertaining and informative discussion on writing novels.
Special Guests this week are Nancy Kay, and Cindy Cromer. It's going to be a fun show so join us in the chat room or call in to ask questions.
To find out more about these wonderful authors
Listen to the show at
A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORY with Host Marsha Casper Cook 01/24 by WorldOfInkNetwork | Blog Talk Radio
Special Guests this week are Nancy Kay, and Cindy Cromer. It's going to be a fun show so join us in the chat room or call in to ask questions.
To find out more about these wonderful authors
Listen to the show at
A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORY with Host Marsha Casper Cook 01/24 by WorldOfInkNetwork | Blog Talk Radio
Monday, January 23, 2012
The Stories for Children show - January 23rd - Blog Talk Radio: World of Ink Network 6pm EST
Diary of My Days in Kenya is a fictional story loosely based upon the real life occurrences of a nomadic lioness who nurtures baby oryx as if they were her own young. A naturalist’s observations of the lioness and her adopted baby oryx offers the reader an interesting insight as to why this unique phenomenon has transpired. The story explores how the traditional relationship of a predator and prey is transcended, presenting a spellbinding account of how a parental bond, even a non-traditional one, can never be broken.
About the author: Rachel Yurchisin’s love of science and nature has inspired her to write her first children’s book in the hopes of passing on her passion to other young ‘budding’ naturalists. Yurchisin is a junior in high school and participates in educational programs at her city zoo and natural history museum.
You can find out more about Rachel Yurchisin’s World of Ink Author/Book Tour schedule at
Listen to the show here:
About the author: Rachel Yurchisin’s love of science and nature has inspired her to write her first children’s book in the hopes of passing on her passion to other young ‘budding’ naturalists. Yurchisin is a junior in high school and participates in educational programs at her city zoo and natural history museum.
You can find out more about Rachel Yurchisin’s World of Ink Author/Book Tour schedule at
Listen to the show here:
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Tips for Finding or Working with an Illustrator By Maryann B. Sawka, Author of Good Table Manners Made Easy
Imagine a picture book without pictures. Or imagine a picture book with pictures that are not the right pictures. Imagine that the story of the book is conveying one message while the illustrations are sending a different message. Illustrations are just as important to a book as the text that tells the story. Illustrations bring a story to life. When we read a book without illustrations, we picture the story coming to life in our imagination, using our own mental illustrations.
In addition to writing a book, the author is challenged to search for an illustrator who will bring the book to life. The relationship between an author and an illustrator is paramount in the book publishing process. But, before you can build a successful working relationship, you have to find an illustrator to come on board with your project.
During the writing process, many authors work in their minds where they practice different passages of text and dialogue, test scenes and scenarios, all while they are envisioning the illustrations that will support their story. The author has to consider the intended audience of the book when choosing an illustrative style. If the book is to be published as a children’s book, it will most likely contain illustrations that are bright, bold, vivid, bringing the child into the story from the onset. If the book has been written for an older audience, perhaps softer illustrations would do a better job of delivering the book’s message.
These are the details that the author includes in a manuscript during the publishing process. They are often referred to as the “illustrator notes.” These notes serve as a guide from which an illustrator works when producing the images that support the content of a book.
When I was at the illustrative step during the publication of my book, “Good Table Manners Made Easy,” my publisher offered the work of several illustrators for me to review, looking for the best match to capture my book. In order to choose the right illustrator for my book, I reviewed their sample works of art repeatedly, trying to envision my words working with each illustrator’s images. It was fortunate that my publisher was able to offer multiple options of which illustrator would work on my book.
Since I had been envisioning these illustrations for quite a long time, the process was not as laborious as it might have been, though making a decision that holds so much power was daunting. What if we started the process and we didn’t have the same ideas? What if I wasn’t able to convey my thoughts and ideas clear enough to be translated into working images for my book? These, as well as many other thoughts troubled me until I received the first sketches from Amy Rottinger, my illustrator on “Good Table Manners Made Easy.”
My hope for the illustrations was to have the illustrations tell a story, even though my book is non-fiction and more process-oriented rather than story-oriented. The illustrations were to support each table manners process that was being described in the passages of text. I wanted the cover illustration to set the stage for the story that would unfold inside the book. The “characters” on the cover of the book would be featured throughout the book so that there was a cohesive flow, recognizable by the reader. Ms. Rottinger brilliantly transferred my ideas into illustrations that began as simple shape sketches, moving into sketches with more detail that quickly became pencil figures that developed into full-color illustrations that suggested life and movement, bringing my book to life.
About the author: Maryann B. Sawka is an educator and parent, who has always embraced the notion that good manners are stylish and timely in every situation. She founded Charming Manners, a training company that educates all ages in the quest for civility and self-confidence. Sawka introduces good manners with a fun, engaging approach that makes the pursuit for knowledge an enjoyable experience.
Good Table Manners Made Easy is a quick, easy-to-read resource that teaches basic table manners in a delightful fun way. It also serves as a quick refresher for the table manners that we may have forgotten.
Get a sneak peek of the book at
You can find out more about Maryann B. Sawka’s World of Ink Author/Book Tour schedule at There will be giveaways, reviews, interviews, guest posts and more. Make sure to stop by and interact with Sawka and the hosts at the different stops by leaving comments and/or questions.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORY with Host Marsha Casper Cook 01/19 by WorldOfInkNetwork | Blog Talk Radio
Join Marsha Cook on January 19th at 9PM EST - 8 PM CST - 7PM MT - 6PM PST for a incredible look into the world of e- book publishing and exactly how Ashley Fontainne had a dream come true and to make life even better Karen Fuller of World Castle Publishing is now going to Publish her next book.
And if that's not enough Karen Fuller is now responsible for several writers who are now having the success they have always dreamed of. Joining us on the show will be another very successful World Castle Author Scarlet Black. Another edition to the show will be Audrey Hamilton and Joann Buchanan who work very hard doing WORLD CASTLE marketing. Sandra Elrod will be opening up the phone lines and chat rooms.
more info on World Castle - and
Listen at
A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORY with Host Marsha Casper Cook 01/19 by WorldOfInkNetwork | Blog Talk Radio
And if that's not enough Karen Fuller is now responsible for several writers who are now having the success they have always dreamed of. Joining us on the show will be another very successful World Castle Author Scarlet Black. Another edition to the show will be Audrey Hamilton and Joann Buchanan who work very hard doing WORLD CASTLE marketing. Sandra Elrod will be opening up the phone lines and chat rooms.
more info on World Castle - and
Listen at
A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORY with Host Marsha Casper Cook 01/19 by WorldOfInkNetwork | Blog Talk Radio
Monday, January 16, 2012
The Stories for Children show 01/16 by WorldOfInkNetwork | Blog Talk Radio
Good Table Manners Made Easy is a quick, easy-to-read resource that teaches basic table manners in a delightful fun way. It also serves as a quick refresher for the table manners that we may have forgotten.
Get a sneak peek of the book at
About the author: Maryann B. Sawka is an educator and parent, who has always embraced the notion that good manners are stylish and timely in every situation. She founded Charming Manners, a training company that educates all ages in the quest for civility and self-confidence. Sawka introduces good manners with a fun, engaging approach that makes the pursuit for knowledge an enjoyable experience.
You can find out more about Maryann B. Sawka’s World of Ink Author/Book Tour schedule at
Listen here:
The Stories for Children show 01/16 by WorldOfInkNetwork | Blog Talk Radio
Get a sneak peek of the book at
About the author: Maryann B. Sawka is an educator and parent, who has always embraced the notion that good manners are stylish and timely in every situation. She founded Charming Manners, a training company that educates all ages in the quest for civility and self-confidence. Sawka introduces good manners with a fun, engaging approach that makes the pursuit for knowledge an enjoyable experience.
You can find out more about Maryann B. Sawka’s World of Ink Author/Book Tour schedule at
Listen here:
The Stories for Children show 01/16 by WorldOfInkNetwork | Blog Talk Radio
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Tips to Becoming a Published Author with Molly Nero, author of Smarty Pig
Ever seen an armadillo in action? You probably have not, unless like me, you were privileged to live in Texas where they tend to be more road kill than wildlife these days. Anyway, this animal uses super hard plates to encircle it, so its predator has a horrible time trying to reach the vulnerable spots. Well, when trying to become a published author, you need to emulate this amazing creature and protect yourself because rejection seems to be as common as the cold. Having a “thick skin” isn’t just a saying; it’s a necessity when you are receiving multiple rejection letters. So be an armadillo and just keep your heart, your hopes and your precious book safely tucked away from the discouragement and despair that seems rampant when trying to get published.
You have an amazing idea, a message, a story that you must share with the world. Great! Write it! Make sure your book is the best it can possibly be. In between being a wife, mom of 2 young kids, full-time teacher and family chauffeur, it took me 7 years to complete Smarty Pig. I knew the message needed to reach kids everywhere, so I started to educate myself about publishing. I went onto the computer and Googled publishers, how to publish, self-publishing and all those wonderfully confusing topics unknown to me until I sat and read for hours. Query letters must be typed a specific way or your manuscript won’t even be looked at.
Your manuscript must be formatted specifically for that publisher or again, it wouldn’t even be looked at. Ugh! It was so confusing and frustrating. But you can’t give up. I attempted many publishing houses or imprints (another word that was unknown to me) that would accept an unsolicited manuscript. The result was rejection letter after rejection letter. I was really frustrated and discouraged, thus the armadillo attitude must come into play. Protect yourself from becoming discouraged.
Don’t get stuck in thinking that traditional publishing is the only way to go. I found Halo Publishing International, an amazing, respectable publishing company with integrity and the willingness to work hands-on with its authors. Yes, I came up with the money to publish my book, but at the same time, I was in control of every aspect of the process. Something that is very important to me. They had illustrators lined up for me to choose from, editors to walk me through changes I needed to consider, and marketing specialists talking to me about the best way to get Smarty Pig out into the public. My experience has been both positive and professional with Halo after the barrage of rejection form letters. Halo was my perfect fit to publish Smarty Pig and consequently, my second book as well.
My tips to becoming a published author: believe in yourself, be passionate about your work, research all options, and don’t give up!
You have an amazing idea, a message, a story that you must share with the world. Great! Write it! Make sure your book is the best it can possibly be. In between being a wife, mom of 2 young kids, full-time teacher and family chauffeur, it took me 7 years to complete Smarty Pig. I knew the message needed to reach kids everywhere, so I started to educate myself about publishing. I went onto the computer and Googled publishers, how to publish, self-publishing and all those wonderfully confusing topics unknown to me until I sat and read for hours. Query letters must be typed a specific way or your manuscript won’t even be looked at.
Your manuscript must be formatted specifically for that publisher or again, it wouldn’t even be looked at. Ugh! It was so confusing and frustrating. But you can’t give up. I attempted many publishing houses or imprints (another word that was unknown to me) that would accept an unsolicited manuscript. The result was rejection letter after rejection letter. I was really frustrated and discouraged, thus the armadillo attitude must come into play. Protect yourself from becoming discouraged.
Don’t get stuck in thinking that traditional publishing is the only way to go. I found Halo Publishing International, an amazing, respectable publishing company with integrity and the willingness to work hands-on with its authors. Yes, I came up with the money to publish my book, but at the same time, I was in control of every aspect of the process. Something that is very important to me. They had illustrators lined up for me to choose from, editors to walk me through changes I needed to consider, and marketing specialists talking to me about the best way to get Smarty Pig out into the public. My experience has been both positive and professional with Halo after the barrage of rejection form letters. Halo was my perfect fit to publish Smarty Pig and consequently, my second book as well.
My tips to becoming a published author: believe in yourself, be passionate about your work, research all options, and don’t give up!
About the author: Molly Nero loves to sing, dance and read. She spent over 18 years teaching elementary school. Reading to her own children, she was inspired to write. The second book in the Smarty Pig book series Smarty Pig and the Test Taking Terror releases in Spring 2012.
Halo Publishing, Int. and the World of Ink Network will be touring author Molly Nero’s book Smarty Pig, which released December 2011.
Smarty Pig is the only one in the pig family who hasn’t given up on school and doing her homework. Although she is teased, her report card shows her hard work, while the others fail. The other pigs reach out to her and she becomes their tutor, by creating games in their home. They all realize learning can be fun and that it’s not just for school, it’s for life.
Get a sneak peek of the book at
You can find out more about Molly Nero’s World of Ink Author/Book Tour schedule at There will be giveaways, reviews, interviews, guest posts and more. Make sure to stop by and interact with Nero and the hosts at the different stops by leaving comments and/or questions.
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