
Thursday, February 16, 2012

FOCUS DISCUSSIONS - HOST - FRAN LEWIS 02/16 by WorldOfInkNetwork | Blog Talk Radio

Fran Lewis - PREMIER SHOW - on Thursday February 16 at 3PM EST - 2 PM CST - 1 PM MT - 12 PM PCT.

Marsha Cook will be joining Fran Lewis to welcome Fran's new show, Discussions with Fran Lewis on The World Of Ink,. Fran is a wonderful interviewer, educator and reviewer. On Fran's first show she will interview author Louise Geesdeh Barton the author of The Memoir of Liberian Refugees: So Far to Run and author Bonnie Virag who wrote the compelling novel Stovepipe. Louise lived as a refugee in Liberia, survived more than her share of horrors and horrific times in this true story of her life. As you hear the voice of the author and listen to her story you will truly understand her courage, persistence and will to live while running for her life for ten years and hoping to escape what so many did not. Bonnie grew up with 18 brothers and sisters and went through the foster care system dealing with many families, abuse, poor social workers as she tells our listeners of her life and that of losing more than just her own family.

A story so graphically, emotionally and well told that each page holds the reader captive as you hear her voice and those of her sisters. You feel the pain inflicted on them and the sadness and stress inflicted on these children by strangers who really never cared about them, went through the motions of pretending to be their parents and one woman who never gave up on herself. Thank you for giving me the honor or reading, reviewing and sharing your story. Two authors and two true stories told as they lived these experiences first hand and want to share it with you, our listeners. Fran Lewis: Interviewer, educator and reviewer.
Chat room will be open - for more info go to

Listen to the show here
FOCUS DISCUSSIONS - HOST - FRAN LEWIS 02/16 by WorldOfInkNetwork | Blog Talk Radio

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