Join Marsha Casper Cook and Kathi S.Barton on Tuesday October 30 at
6PM PST 7PM MT 8PMCST 9PMEST when Marsha has a one on one
conversation with hot steamy sexy author Kathi S Barton.
Everything you
always wanted to know but never asked. The Hot Sexy Romance market is
hear to stay. Kathy is very successful and she has her own system of
writing which works great for her.
Join in on the conversation live or listen on demand. Bethany Cross, a hot sexy romance writer, will be in the chat room.
Listen to the show at
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
BTR's World of Ink Network show: It's Story Time Gather 'Round
Join authors JD Holiday & Christy Condoleo on Saturday, October 27, 2012 at 10AM est, 9AM cst, 8AM mst & 7AM pst, as we continue our Halloween specials with Award Winning Author, Scott Nicholson who will read two of his children’s books (both illustrated by Lee Davis)~ TOO MANY WITCHES in
which Moanica Moonsweep plans a special Halloween party, her witch's
brew has to be just right. So she invites her witchy friends over to
help her plan the perfect kettle of gruesome stew. But when they can't
agree on the nastiest ingredients, they end up with a very messy
situation, & If I WERE YOUR MONSTER, a darling
bedtime story adventure in which monsters show they are not so scary,
but instead can teach you to overcome your fears and help you feel
Learn more about Scott Nicholson and all his books at:
All stories read on the show are copyrighted by the authors. The show
has permission from the authors to read their books and display pictures
from it.
Show's site:
J.D. Holiday:
Christy Condoleo:
Listen to the show at
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Madiosn Montgomery thanks Bethany Cross for introducing Virginia Templeton to her friends!
Author Madison Montgomery
Author Madison Montgomery recently released her 2nd story in the Virginia Templeton series.
Virginia Tempelton is a despicable Diva...a very sexy woman who uses her good looks and dirty tricks to manipulate people and situations to her advantage. She knows what she wants and will stop at nothing to get it no mater the cost or who it hurts in the process. A true to life character we can all relate to. As Ms Montgomery artfully tells Virginia's story you might love her, you might hate her or you may just find yourself envious of her...but you will absolutely want to know more.

She knows other women want her life and men just plain want her, but she'll have to play her game carefully to get everything she wants ...
Virginia Templeton can turn heads in any room, and get the attention of any man she wants. She's married to a rich, powerful businessman, but she wants a divorce. She wants financial freedom, but there are conditions...
She owns a luxurious condo building, complete with a dashing man to enjoy on the side, but he wants another woman...

Even more than sleeping with gorgeous, sexy men, Virginia Templeton loves tossing them out just when they think they've discovered a way to her heart. Some say she has no heart. Then there’s that one moment when no one is looking, when she does something that changes her from having no soul to revealing a side that surprises even her.
Visit Madison on facebook at:!/pages/Madison-Montgomery/429243733767062?fref=ts
Ms Montgomery's books are available on Amazon at:
The Writing Mama: Book Review: Every Man Wants Her - A Virginia Temp...
The Writing Mama: Book Review: Every Man Wants Her - A Virginia Temp...: Virginia Templeton knows other women want her life and men just plain want her, but she'll have to play her game carefully to ge...
BTR's World of Ink Network show: BOOK DISCUSSION with HOST FRAN LEWIS
Join Fran Lewis on Thursday October 25 at 3PM CST 4PM EST when she
interviews Norb Vonnegut about his latest novel The Trust. He examines
how some criminals hide behind the First Amendment and its guarantee of
religious freedom.
The villain in this story, a real sicko, infiltrates a family's finances before they suspect anything is wrong. And it's up to Grove O'Rourke--stockbroker, good guy, a recurring character in my fiction--to put things right.
Norb is an avid cyclist and a Trustee with the American Foundation for the Blind and he loves books on tape.
Fran's second guest is Sarah York. Sarah is a Unitarian Universalist minister who made a splash with her slender inspirational books Remembering Well and Pilgrim Heart; fans won't be disappointed with this third volume, in which she turns her attention to hospitality.
What does it mean to encounter the stranger? In a world that seems increasingly anomic, how can we create intimacy? Stories from York's own life exemplify hospitality.
Sandra Elrod will be opening the chat room.
for more info -
Listen to the show at
The villain in this story, a real sicko, infiltrates a family's finances before they suspect anything is wrong. And it's up to Grove O'Rourke--stockbroker, good guy, a recurring character in my fiction--to put things right.
Norb is an avid cyclist and a Trustee with the American Foundation for the Blind and he loves books on tape.
Fran's second guest is Sarah York. Sarah is a Unitarian Universalist minister who made a splash with her slender inspirational books Remembering Well and Pilgrim Heart; fans won't be disappointed with this third volume, in which she turns her attention to hospitality.
What does it mean to encounter the stranger? In a world that seems increasingly anomic, how can we create intimacy? Stories from York's own life exemplify hospitality.
Sandra Elrod will be opening the chat room.
for more info -
Listen to the show at
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Remembering Well: Rituals for Celebrating Life and Mourning Death
Author: Sarah York
Death is something that most people do not want to think about and losing a loved one can be devastating. Dealing with death and all that is required to plan a service, ceremony, ritual or celebration of the deceased’s life requires understanding, guidance and discipline in order to make sure that the wishes of that person are met and the family has the proper time to remember their loved one. Many people have certain fears and concerns about taking on the role of handling the ritual of death and the creating a meaningful service. Entering the funeral parlor to discuss the arrangements can be difficult and when asked to view the body before the cosmetic preparations many might fell uncomfortable and distressed. As the author tells the story about accompanying a woman named Ruth to the home in order to help with the final arrangements. Many people do not realize the time it takes to get everything in place and properly done. From a simple service to the burial place whether the body is placed in the ground or cremated certain preparations must be made and a service with a clergyman discussed. The author shares several readings that can be used at these services and she even takes the reader on the journey with Ruth from start to finish to help others understand how to perform a memorial service and what it entails. Questions often asked by a minister, rabbi or clergy before the service relate to what the person was like, their job, their goals and their surviving immediate family members. The author shares what will be said when the casket is placed in the ground and when reading chapter one you learn more about how she runs the service and how others participate. Chapter two includes guidelines for those planning a memorial service and discussing the basis behind each part of the service and different phrases and readings that can be used. Two important questions that most people never think about but are vital to help guide you through the process of preparing for a service. First think about what part of the service would heal you the most? Next, decide which parts have least met your needs and decide what if anything was missing from the service and what turned you off? The author shares her workshop presentations for the reader and how most participants stated that they felt the presence of their loved ones and the day of the service it was not easier but they were able to let them go knowing that they would be in their hearts and minds forever. I have to agree when the author states that some services can be impersonal and some could not relate to the religious aspect of perspective being presented. Impersonal services once again I have to agree occur when the person conducting it knows very little about the deceased and has not spent enough time speaking with family members and even I feel asking the right questions. Next the author discusses who will create and conduct the service, what kind of service, religious beliefs and the right person to conduct it. When asked to attend a meeting with a loved on Sarah states that she came as a consultant. Some look for alternatives to the traditional clergy –led memorials. She shares that some turn to counselors or a friend to perform the service. Sometimes there are those who are skilled or schooled in the issue of handling grief and this person would be the one who should run the service as they are gifted in this area. Sharing different memorials she attended the author adds examples of programs for those who might create one for a service and need some guidelines and structure when preparing for that day. Choosing the right music and readings that are appropriate are part of what she includes in Chapter 2. She also includes how to set the proper tone for the service, sample opening remarks and outlines the format of different services on pages 22-31. Chapter 3 is vital to any service for those who have taken on the responsibility of running the memorial service. Understanding the function of prayer and prayer gestures, which focus on lighting candles, creating caring space, receptive space and inviting the Holy presence I think is most heartfelt. The one part of the ritual that she includes that my family took part in is The Circle of Love that we formed at the hospital on several occasions before my sister passed last year. Chapter 4 focuses on the different choices and decisions that need to be made as a result of the death a loved one. Do you want to view the body? Do you want to cremate or not? Do you want to donate or not? All you need to know and understand will be found on pages 64-65. Thee questions sum up the entire chapter and are vital to the family before you can move on to the creating the service. Next, every clergy person should set aside at least two hours to interview and speak with family members about their loved one. Talking about the person, their lives and any special times you had helps the writer or the person running the service clergy or not to create as the author describes “the soul sketch.” This is the memorial portrait almost like taking a canvas and painting an oral picture of the person that if painted you would see all of these stories on the canvas that tell the story of this person’s life. The soul sketch she states is creates as she speaks with many different family members, hears what they say and then creates the portrait. Interviewing the family and what should be asked is defined on pages 69-71. Planning the service and writing the soul sketch pages 72-78.
Chapters 6 discusses the circumstances surround the death of your loved one. Chapter 7 the topic of family alienation. What happens when family members that have not been close or have not been part of the family gatherings due to fighting or living a long distance from the diseased attend the funeral? Ways to handle these situations are described how to understand that this might be the time to look into you heart and show some understanding, forgiveness and hope but realize that you will not settle differences at a funeral. Pages 105-108 discuss how to handle these situations and page 109 the rest. What happens you someone or you are cut out of the will how do you handle it? What happens when anger takes over and you feel guilt? What happens when you realize another member of your family was left something you were promised? How many handle it and feel when you feel that you have been wronged? Chapter 8 focuses on how the body is prepared for burial and the rituals. The author defines committal ceremonies as the term used to describe the burial or distribution of the person’s remains. The common theme is the return to creation and the giver or source of life. Sharing how one family sent five helium balloons up in the air and including the types of flowers many place on coffins and graves and their meanings is quite compelling. Understanding the meaning of Earth, Air and Fire and the different signs rounds out Chapter 8. The author shares with the reader a sample committal ceremony on pages 135-139. Finally, Chapter 9 concludes with the how grief does not end with the memorial service and she includes how many different religions mourn their loved ones and being Jewish she explains in detail the rituals from start to finish or from the moment the body is cleansed to the moment it is buried. The author includes the many different rituals that follow within the first year and after. Page 141 discusses and explains how people create services and how they grieve. Pages 142 -144 elaborates on how Jewish people remember their loved ones. Birthdays, holidays, anniversaries and the yearly remembrance or anniversary of the person’s death are really hard to deal with especially the first year. Anger, forgiveness and remembering the loved one and sometimes trying to figure out why but knowing you never really will are all part of Chapter 9. Added at the end she includes three valuable resource sections. The first Death and Committal: How the Body is Prepared and laid to rest. Second the Services of friends and family. Finally, resource 3 Readings, Prayers and Blessings. Told in the author’s voice and written in a way that readers will embrace what she is saying Remembering Well: Rituals for Celebrating Life and Mourning Death is definitely a book that everyone should read and an invaluable resource.
Fran Lewis: reviewer
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
BTR's World of Ink Network show: A Good Story Is A Good Story with Guest Robert J. Ray
Join Marsha Casper Cook on Tuesday October 23 AT 10AM PST11AM MT NOON CST I PM EST when she welcomes Robert J Ray. They will be having a one on one lively enjoyable and informative conversation about writing books.
Robert J Ray is a wonderful author and quite accomplished . He will be focusing on writing techniques and all that he tries to accomplished helping writers at Bob and Jack's Blog which has been a very successful tool to help both seasoned and new writers.
Join in the fun and listen live or on demand. You wont want to miss all the info that will be given!
Bethany Cross will be there to open the phone lines and chat room.
More info about Bob
You can listen to the show at
Robert J Ray is a wonderful author and quite accomplished . He will be focusing on writing techniques and all that he tries to accomplished helping writers at Bob and Jack's Blog which has been a very successful tool to help both seasoned and new writers.
Join in the fun and listen live or on demand. You wont want to miss all the info that will be given!
Bethany Cross will be there to open the phone lines and chat room.
More info about Bob
You can listen to the show at
Monday, October 22, 2012
WOI Guest Post: The Joy of Writing While Blind by Traci McDonald
One of the most common questions I am asked when people find
out I am a completely blind author, “Isn’t that so hard to do when you can’t
see what you’re writing?”
The truth is; its not that hard. I have a computer that
talks to me, voice recorders, digital players and even a voice activated cell
phone. Being a blind author is not difficult if all I have to deal with is
being blind. The more difficult parts of being an author are not even sight
Like most authors, I love to write and it fills my life with
joy and meaning. I write for and with my kids. I write for family and friends,
and I write because I love to build beautiful things with words. When I write,
my computer announces the stroke of each key and the content of each document.
It is such a thrill for me to write something and feel the immediate
gratification of hearing it read back to me. When the sound of the prose and
the picture in my head match, I know I am on the right track. Every author
needs beta readers or readers outside of themselves. As a direct result of writing
blind I get to hear my computer fill this role for me, instantly.
I also enjoy the experience of having visual memories, while
being able to use my other senses to create images that are more vibrant. Can
you imagine which color feels like a warm loaf of bread, a waterfall that roars
like a dragon’s snore or the smell of pine, alfalfa, and moss that means green?
Colors and pictures fill my world when I can use words to paint them.
Writing is not the easiest task to accomplish when you can’t
read your own work. However, it is a joy for me to figure out how to do it. The
sense of accomplishment and purpose is a great source of joy and contentment in
my life.
I have a blog called Writing Blind that tells the story of
not only my writing but my journey through life as a blind person. It has been
a lot of fun for me to talk about writing and sharing funny stories with
readers. You can also find information about my novel Killing Casanova on my blog as well.
Come visit me and leave a comment.
About the Author:
Debut author Traci McDonald has been a writer since she
figured out how to make words on a page. Traci wrote for English classes like
most people, but she wrote everything else in between. Traci won minor competitions
with short stories, poetry and lyrics before becoming visually impaired. That
is just a political correct way of saying Traci McDonald is blind. Traci lost
her eyesight 17 years ago, but it never stopped her from living life and
following her dreams. She has struggled with her health and raising kids, prior
to the publication of her first novel. Traci is very excited to see
her dream in life coming true. She lives in a small cozy town in the Mojave
Desert, less than 150 miles from Las Vegas, Nevada.
The World of Ink Network will be
touring author Traci McDonald’s debut romantic suspense, Killing Casanova throughout October and
November 2012.
Sometimes not only your heart is blind, which happens to be
situation with Cassie Taylor, the heroine in this non-stop suspenseful romantic
Get a sneak peek of the book at
You can find out more about Traci McDonald and her debut
romance novel during her World of Ink Author/Book Tour at
To learn more about the World of Ink Tours visit
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