
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Interview with Debut Author LeeAnna Kail

Please share your bio with us and anything else you would like readers to know.
I grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with my loving parents and five siblings. Ever since I was little, I had an interest in writing. In fact, when I was in the fourth grade, I completed a career project and dressed as an author with dreams of writing my own book one day.
I attended Duquesne University with a double major in political science and English with intentions of attending law school after graduation. While studying abroad in Rome, Italy, I had a change of heart and decided to continue my education at Duquesne studying elementary education instead.
I currently teach in Pittsburgh and hope to be an inspiration to my students to follow their dreams. I am getting married in summer 2014!

What are some of the things that have influenced/inspired your writing?
My dad, who published a children’s novel last November, has been a major influence on my writing. Growing up, he would always help me with my papers. Because of that, I adopted some of his writing techniques. I used writing in my everyday life, whether it was a paper or diary entry. Writing was an outlet for me.

Can you share some writing experiences with us?
In college, anytime I wrote a paper, which was many of them since I English was one of my majors, I always listened to the band, The Fray. I would sit at my desk with headphones in and just type. I ALWAYS waited until the last minute to turn my papers in. I am a procrastinator who works best under pressure and I would get in my zone with The Fray and just write. I got a lot of As on my papers.

Like all authors, you have had your fair share of rejection letters. You obviously did not let the letters deter you. How did you keep your determination without getting discouraged?
I got lucky and didn’t get a rejection letter. I believe it was apart of God’s plan.
Please describe to us your relationship between you and your editor. What makes an author/editor relationship a success?
An author/editor relationship requires patience and understanding. The author has to remove any kind of feeling from the book and realize that though the author may be good with words, the editor knows the way in which they flow the best. My editor did a wonderful job of taking out the “telling” I was doing in the story. She did however; take out my favorite part in the story where the bullies end up coming to Ollie for him to teach them his cool words. I think that is such a special moment, and I just couldn’t get rid of it.

Tell us about your writing space.
It depends on the year. I have a Macbook. The places I go with it are endless!

How do you see the future of book publishing, both traditional, electronic and print on demand?
Well, two years ago, I went to King of Prussia Mall. All I wanted to purchase was the Hunger Games series. After an hour of searching for a bookstore, I ended up calling the information desk. Would you believe that they do not have a book store in that GIANT mall?! I was so upset. I am one who LOVES the smell of the paper, the feel of turning to the next page, and the feeling of accomplishment after physically seeing the book you just read.

With that said, I think there is an inevitable decline of a traditional book. Until then, I will continue to support the local libraries and bookstores.

What advice would you give to a new writer?
Keep writing! Believe in yourself and your work.

Use this space to tell us more about your book’s characters. Anything you want your readers to know. Include information on where to find your book(s), any blogs you may have, or how a reader can learn more about you and/or your book(s).

Ollie is not confident. He hasn’t learned the value in loving himself yet.
Pip is his sassy sister who is learning to fly. She gives Ollie the confidence he needs to overcome his obstacle. For that, she is my most favorite character I have ever created.

I thank you for taking the time to share with our readers about being an author.

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