Without even knowing it, I became a businesswoman upon writing my Mind Over Matter Books for children. I guess I never thought the whole process through and just believed that somehow the books would magically get into the hands of all children. I learned real quick that was not the case and that I had to creatively market these books immediately!
Since my Mind Over Matter Books are for children, I knew I had to educate and spark the interest of parents, grandparents, teachers, care givers and anyone who has children in their lives. Being somewhat techno-savvy, I created a website introducing the first book out in print, Believe. Social Media certainly has been a blessing in many ways! I was able to link my website onto my Facebook page to get the information out to people. I then created a Facebook page for Mind Over Matter Books and invited about 500 people to “like” my page. I am constantly posting updates on the books, book shows, interviews and other media events on Facebook.
I had heard buzz words like “Blog” and “Tweet” and quickly became a blogger and tweeter to get the information out to all of those who have or work with children. I became a member or LinkedIn and Google+ and have promoted my books and connected with a number of professionals who work with children. Recently, I made a YouTube video, which included illustrations from Believe and an interview I had on the Children’s Authors Show. Within a few months, I had every social media tool and several Internet sites, all informing people about my books and mission, linked together. The word was definitely out!
I have contacted many of the local newspapers, TV stations, radio stations, children’s and parent magazines, PTA groups, preschools, day cares, children’s stores, etc. to tell them about my Mind Over Matter Books. I have entered the book into children’s book expos so that educators and caregivers all over the country will see the book. Believe has been promoted in several local newspapers, all of the area libraries, my church, a popular local radio station and is supposed to be aired on a local news station this month. People believe in Believe!
It is also important for me to work with the actual children. I shared my book at a preschool where I was able to read to several 3-7 years old children. This was a wonderful experience as I found the children really grasping the concept of “Believing” and talking about what they believe about themselves. I am scheduled for a few book signings and readings at local libraries and elementary schools, as well. I hope to get into a number of daycares and preschools over the course of the year to teach the children to believe!
In about 9 months, time I went from simply having a mission to write these Mind Over Matter Books, to being on a mission to get the books in the hands of as many children as possible. Just when I think I have exhausted one avenue another road opens! The movement has begun and parents, teachers and others who work with children are feeling the importance to get this message into the hands of all children. I am grateful for the internet, social media, radio and television, as they have been instrumental in promoting my books and my message to anyone who works with children.

Kasey Crawford Kellem, a School Counselor and former Special Education Teacher, has devoted her life to helping children facing adversity be resilient. Kasey created Mind Over Matter (M.O.M.) books to teach children skills to overcome life’s challenges. She has earned a Bachelors Degree and Masters Degree in Special Education and an Educational Specialist Degree in Counseling. She is a devoted wife, stepmother, sister, daughter, friend and counselor.
Halo Publishing, Int. and the World of Ink Network are sponsoring Kasey Crawford Kellem's World of Ink Tour this February 2012. Kellem will be touring her first book in the Mind Over Matter (M.O.M) Books, BELIEVE, which just released. The additional M.O.M Books are due to release soon later in 2012: LOVE; LAUGH; RELAX and DREAM.
BELIEVE is the first of five books emphasizing the important factors for resiliency. In this book, children will learn to BELIEVE in their possibilities.
About the Books: Mind Over Matter Books are geared towards young children to help them learn how to be resilient. Children need to be prepared with the right tools to face the challenges, adversity and obstacles that may become a part of their lives. This book shows, through whimsical illustrations and simple wording, how to be resilient. These books are designed to also serve as decorations in a child’s bedroom or playroom on bookshelves, nightstands, or desks, which will serve as constant resiliency reinforcement.
You can find out more about Kasey Crawford Kellem’s World of Ink Author/Book Tour schedule at http://storiesforchildrenpublishing.com/KaseyKellem.aspx. There will be giveaways, reviews, interviews, guest posts and more. Make sure to stop by and interact with Kellem and the hosts at the different stops by leaving comments and/or questions. You will be entered into the main the Book Giveaway each time.
In addition, listen to the February 20, 2012 to Blog Talk Radio’s World of Ink Network show: Stories for Children at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/worldofinknetwork. The hosts VS Grenier and Irene Roth chatted with Kasey Crawford Kellem about her M.O.M Books, writing, helping children to be resilient and her experiences. The show aired live February 20, 2012 at 2pm EST.