Join Marsha Cook, Virginia
Grenier and RJ Jeffreys on Tuesday January 28 at 1 PM PST 2 PM MT 3 PM
CST 4 PM EST on A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORYwith their guest Charles
Day. Charles is the publisher of Evil Jester Press, a respected small
press committed to publishing the best in dark fiction.(Horror,
thrillers, dark fantasy and science fiction)
The discussion this week will be of great value to authors, publishers, marketing experts, social media specialists and anyone and everyone that is spending hours being overwhelmed with all that must be accomplished in a day - or does it have to be that way?
In the last several years marketing and being a social media guru seems to have taken a toll on everyone and some have even given up on their dreams because they need to have some time for themselves and because many others feel as if they have been working around the clock.
Please feel free to join in the conversation by calling 714- 242-5259 The chat room and phone lines will be open. Callers are always welcome.
For more info
Listen to the podcast at
The discussion this week will be of great value to authors, publishers, marketing experts, social media specialists and anyone and everyone that is spending hours being overwhelmed with all that must be accomplished in a day - or does it have to be that way?
In the last several years marketing and being a social media guru seems to have taken a toll on everyone and some have even given up on their dreams because they need to have some time for themselves and because many others feel as if they have been working around the clock.
Please feel free to join in the conversation by calling 714- 242-5259 The chat room and phone lines will be open. Callers are always welcome.
For more info
Listen to the podcast at