Monday, August 29, 2011
August 29: Stories for Children show
Come listen to Blog Talk Radio’s World of Ink Network show: Stories for Children as the hosts VS Grenier, Kris Quinn Chirstopherson and Irene Roth chat with youth author LaNiyah and her mother about her debut book, NOT FAT Because I Wanne Be, being a youth writer, publishing a book and her experiences along withtips on how to deal with bullies.
The show will be live August 29, 2011 at 8pm EST.
In her debut book, Not FAT Because I Wanna Be, LaNiyah details the struggle of Jessica, a fictional girl who has an underlying medical issue that causes her to gain weight. Bullied by her peers, Jessica learns to accept her body and eventually opens up about her condition to her classmates.
LaNiyah is not only speaking to other children through her book, but has become an
advocate for anti-bullying organizations. With a message that words can hurt and that not all weight gain is due to an unhealthy lifestyle, LaNiyah hopes her book will enlighten and entertain her young readers.
“I just wish this book can help other kids like me...and I wish it can help people see that [even though] you might be big that you are not unhealthy or… a monster like people may make you feel.”
You can find out more about LaNiyah Bailey, her book and World of Ink Author/Book Tour at
Friday, August 26, 2011
How Well Do You Know Yourself?
Getting to Know Yourself: Journaling to Self Discovery
Was it Plato? Was it Socrates? Whoever the old Greek was who first said "know thyself," he was onto something. Self knowledge is absolutely essential for self improvement and development. How can you know if you are improving if you don't know where you are? One of the best ways to discover who and where you really are in life is to keep a journal.There is a catch to journaling your way to self discovery, however. That catch is honesty. Yet even as development of the self is a journey, so is becoming more and more honest with yourself. It can be difficult to be honest with ourselves. In fact, it is probably one of the most difficult tasks we ever face, because it is so easy to lie to ourselves.
Journaling to self discovery can involve several areas. First of all, there is the honest (there's that word again!) assessment of your skills, talents, gifts, and interests. The unique package that makes up you includes all these things. Psychologists have suggested that many people tend to evaluate their own abilities above what is really the truth. Surely there are just as many who sell themselves short.
Especially if you are considering a career choice or have a desire to start a business, it can be invaluable to put these special talents down on paper. Look for places where a special course might fill in a hole in your education. See if you have some strikes against you. Is there some way to overcome them?
When journaling to self discovery, don't forget about your values and how well you are living up to them. What do you really think is important in life? While good self esteem is a critical part of mental health, often the quickest way to joy and peace is giving of yourself in service to others. Are you loyal to your friends? Are you compassionate when someone else is hurting? Journal about your attitude toward others. You don't have to beat yourself up for being less than perfect, but there is nothing wrong with challenging yourself in the area of kindness and thoughtfulness.
You can also discover a lot about yourself in the area of health when you keep a journal. It is very easy to kid yourself about just how well you are taking care of yourself. Many times we think we are exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet, yet when we really keep track honestly, we find out we've been lying to ourselves. It's possible to go a couple of weeks without exercise or cheat on the diet six days in a row and not even be aware of it.
Self discovery can lead to self development, which means you might just see your dreams fulfilled. One aspect of pursuing dreams is your attitude toward what you long to see happen. Do you believe it can happen? Do you believe it is OK for it to happen? That is, assuming the dream is in itself a positive thing, do you realize it's OK for it to happen to you? Write about your attitudes honestly. Do they need to change? How can you make that happen?
A journal is a great place to write down statements of affirmation about your dreams and aspirations. Bible verses and great quotes can make a big difference in how motivated you stay as you pursue your goals. Write your own great quotes, too. Take time to meditate on those motivating statements. Spend time every day (or at least every week) journaling your way to self discovery.
Copyright © Shery Ma Belle Arrieta-Russ
About Shery: Shery is the creator of WriteSparks!™- a software that generates over 10 *million* Story Sparkers for Writers. Download WriteSparks!™ Lite for free at She is also the author of 2 books. Visit her official site at
Download an excerpt of The Authentic Self: Journaling Your Joys, Griefs and Everything in Between below:
If you want 3 writing *sparks* delivered to you every day for 31 days, check out WriteSparks!™ Daily HERE for info on how to get started -- it's free :o)
Thank you for reading. Keep writing!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
SFC Blog: Families Matter: Family Movie Night Returns August 27th and Septemb...
Families Matter: Family Movie Night Returns August 27th and Septemb...: Two great movies are coming to NBC on August 27th and September 3rd. The advantages to these movie nights are: Family friendly movies that...
Life is Not a Candy Store... with Tal Yanai 08/23 by FMMK Talk Radio | Blog Talk Radio
Life is Not a Candy Store... with Tal Yanai 08/23 by FMMK Talk Radio | Blog Talk Radio
In the world driven by instant gratification, Tal Yanai’s unique voice as a teacher, writer, and speaker guides today’s teens deal with their every day challenges with a fresh spiritual perspective.
His book, Life is Not a Candy Store: It’s the Way to the Candy Store, is a spiritual guide to the road of life for teens. The book invites them to engage in both the critical process of self-reflection and the experience of connecting with the larger world.
Tal, and I will be discussing about his life’s journey, and his mission to help today’s teenagers find enlightenment.
Please call 347.327.9995 on Tuesday August 23rd from 10-11 am U.S. CT to join us live on the air with your questions and comments.
Friday, August 19, 2011
SFC Blog: Families Matter: Summer Brain Drain and Kids
SFC Blog: Families Matter: Summer Brain Drain and Kids: Have you experienced everything on your summer “to do” list? Maybe you need a trip to the beach or a hike in the mountains to feel like ...
The Writing Mama: Interview Firday with 6-Year-Old LaNiyah Bailey: A...
The Writing Mama: Interview Firday with 6-Year-Old LaNiyah Bailey: A...: LaNiyah Bailey is a 6‐year‐old author with a message for children like her – just because you are bigger than other kid, that doesn’t mean t...
Inspired By Savannah: World of Ink August '11 Virtual Tour -- Not Fat Be...
Inspired By Savannah: World of Ink August '11 Virtual Tour -- Not Fat Be...: Publisher: Createspace / Bright Girl Publishing, Inc (self-pub) ISBN Number(s): 1461006767 Publication Date(s): 03/02/11 Summary: In...
Thursday, August 18, 2011
August 19: What Is Success show
This week we celebrate success with Magicblox.
One year may not seem like a huge milestone for most, but it is for Magicblox.
Magicblox has a goal to make tons of colorful, interactive, and fun eBooks available to as many parents, teachers and children as possible through their unique kids eBook library.
Jason Lane - Founder & Chief Executive Officer is a technology veteran who has spent his career building digital media systems and other business applications for the entertainment industry.
He started Magicblox because he enjoys helping kids grow and learn. As a father himself, he loves spending time reading with his son and he also realizes that the kids of today are the leaders of tomorrow so we need to give them great tools and training to make our world a better place.
Learn more at
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
August 17: Inspiration, Imagination and Invention
The Inspiration, Imagination and Invention show with Simon Rose is a once a month show highlighting books base on or around history.
This week's guest is Dellani Oakes.
Dellani Oakes is a former A.P. English teacher and photo journalist. Now working as a substitute teacher and Mary Kay consultant, she can give skin care & makeup advice, correct grammar, take pictures and write an article while controlling a classroom full of rowdy third graders. Dellani was making up stories before she could read. Her first really cohesive work began when her older sister started school. These stories paved the way for songs and poems in elementary school and short stories in high school and college. A college theatre major, Dellani took play writing. It became her new love. Dellani had to set aside her love of writing when she began working as a teacher. Her creative energies were channeled into writing exams to make her students cry—although this wasn't usually intentional. Unfortunately, between that and motherhood, she didn't have time to write. However, once her youngest son started school in 2001, she was able to write full time. Her first published novel, "Indian Summer", was published in 2008 by Second Wind Publishing. Also from Second Wind, her second novel, "Lone Wolf" makes its debut soon. "Lone Wolf" is the first in her science-fiction series.
This week's guest is Dellani Oakes.
Dellani Oakes is a former A.P. English teacher and photo journalist. Now working as a substitute teacher and Mary Kay consultant, she can give skin care & makeup advice, correct grammar, take pictures and write an article while controlling a classroom full of rowdy third graders. Dellani was making up stories before she could read. Her first really cohesive work began when her older sister started school. These stories paved the way for songs and poems in elementary school and short stories in high school and college. A college theatre major, Dellani took play writing. It became her new love. Dellani had to set aside her love of writing when she began working as a teacher. Her creative energies were channeled into writing exams to make her students cry—although this wasn't usually intentional. Unfortunately, between that and motherhood, she didn't have time to write. However, once her youngest son started school in 2001, she was able to write full time. Her first published novel, "Indian Summer", was published in 2008 by Second Wind Publishing. Also from Second Wind, her second novel, "Lone Wolf" makes its debut soon. "Lone Wolf" is the first in her science-fiction series.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Please join Marsha Cook on A GOOD STORY IS A GOOD STORY Tuesday August 16 at 11 AM CST - 12 NOON -EST - 10 AM -MT -9 AM PST-for a special hot sizzling ROMANCE WRITER - KATHI S BARTON - We'll be talking about her new book DIVINE SAVIOR and her new contract with WORLD CASTLE PUBLISHING. Kathi is climbing fast - her books are doing great and she has found an audience that is waiting for her books - how great is that! As an added surprise Karen Fuller , the publisher of World Castle will be discussing her new book COURTING THE DARKNESS and several of her other well as how to get your books published and why books get rejected. Also, for those of you that believe you may never get your books published - there's hope. CASTLE PUBLISHING has accepted Marsha Cook's book LOVE CHANGES her previously self- published book by Fideli Publishing. New title FEEL THE PASSION.
LET'S CELEBRATE - This is going to be one fun show ! Romance usually is!
LET'S CELEBRATE - This is going to be one fun show ! Romance usually is!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Utah Children's Writers: Helpful Tips on Writing
Utah Children's Writers: Helpful Tips on Writing: "Let more than one person edit your book. You need an editor for grammar and such, but it’s a good idea to let someone with knowledge on th..."
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Debut Author Tal Yanai on Blog Talk Radio’s World of Ink Network show: Stories for Children –August 15, 2011
Blog Talk Radio’s World of Ink Network Show: Stories for Children with hosts VS Grenier, Kris Quinn Christopherson and Irene Roth will be chatting with debut Tal Yanai about his book, Life Is Not a Candy Store: It’s the Way to the Candy Store on August 15, 2011.
Tal Yanai was not happy with his reality as a child and teen. What he was creating in his life was not in alignment with what he wanted in his heart or what he knew and deeply felt was possible. In tenth grade, he was diagnosed with dyslexia, which explained his learning difficulties but it did little to ease his frustration with himself and his everyday struggles.
Today, Tal teaches Hebrew and Judaic Studies in Temple Beth Hillel in the San Fernando Valley as he continues his quest to explore the meaning of soul and achieve his full potential as a spiritual teacher.
In a world driven by instant gratification comes a gem of a book full of wisdom, couched in simple language and written from the heart. Life Is Not a Candy Store: It’s the Way to the Candy Store by Tal Yanai invites teens to engage in both the critical process of self-reflection and the experience of connecting with the larger world.
Yanai encourages teens to become more aware of how their actions affects themselves and others. By exposing them to the simple truths of spirituality, and the beauty and love of a higher power. Yanai hopes readers will find new direction and purpose in a world filled with instant everything.
Come listen live to Blog Talk Radio’s World of Ink Network show: Stories for Children at on August 15, 2011 when author Tal Yanai chats with the hosts about his book, writing, his life experiences and more.
The show will air live at 2pm EST on August 15, 2011. You can tune in at the World of Ink Network site at You can listen/call in at (714) 242-5259. (Note: if you can’t make the show, you can listen on demand at the same link.)
You can find out more about Tal Yanai, his book Life Is Not a Candy Store and his World of Ink Author/Book Tour at There will be giveaways, reviews, interviews, guest posts and more. Make sure to stop by and interact with Tal Yanai and the hosts at the different stops by leaving comments and/or questions. Yanai will be checking in throughout the tour and is offering an additional giveaway for those who leave comments throughout the tour.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Blog Jog Day Winner!
Blog Jog Day was this past Sunday, August 7th. And I don't know about everyone else, but I enjoyed reading the comments left at my blogs and visiting many of the interesting blogs on the jog.
For those visitors who left a comment at either this blog or my other two blog sites had their name entered into a drawing for two books.
Today the winning names were drawn from all the entries. Here is the winner from The World of Ink Network blog job giveaway.
Congratulations and thanks to everyone who visited The World of Ink Network on Blog Jog Day!
For those visitors who left a comment at either this blog or my other two blog sites had their name entered into a drawing for two books.
Today the winning names were drawn from all the entries. Here is the winner from The World of Ink Network blog job giveaway.
Joylene Butler
Congratulations and thanks to everyone who visited The World of Ink Network on Blog Jog Day!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Sexually Active Teens; Wake Up
Kecia Burcham
Nashville Parenting ExaminerSexually active teens, particularly girls, wake up!!! Besides all of the risks involved in being sexually active prior to finishing childhood and school, the pregnancy rates are alarming. Many girls are having sex not because they really want to but order to “keep their boyfriend”. Some girls are even lying about being pregnant for the same reason. Girls – boyfriends do not want to be daddies!! They are not going to become responsible young men who will love you and your child forever because you tell them you’re pregnant. They are much more likely to run like the wind. Whatever gives teen girls the idea that getting pregnant will “keep” someone?? That is so not how it works.

Here is the real scenario. Girl pretends to be pregnant, boy runs off, or girl is pregnant; still no guarantees of boyfriend sticking around. He may have told you he’d be there; he may have told you he loves you. Words are cheap and people say a lot of things in the heat of the moment. Don’t be stupid. Ask a teenage mom who cannot get any kind of support financially or emotionally from the baby’s father.
Child support cannot be enforced. Period. Boys/men (hard to define in these situations), who do not work do not pay child support. They do not work in jail or out of jail. If they chose to continue to play, go to school, or find a new girlfriend, there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. The court will only garnish wages of an employed person. If they choose not to be employed, there is no wage to garnish. They cannot be forced to get a job, and certainly can’t keep a job they don’t want. Many of them deliberately move from job to job as soon as the garnishment takes effect. If they work for someone for cash, you can’t get that either unless they choose to give it to you. The law is not on your side. If they are sent to jail, there is still no money to garnish. Guess whose job it is to take care of the baby?? The pregnant girl; that’s it, and she is the one who is ultimately responsible. It doesn’t matter what he said or promised.
You can be angry and hurt, but that won’t pay for daycare or diapers. You are just as responsible for the situation as he is, so you really can’t blame him. It took two. When you choose to have unprotected sex, you are saying that you are ready to raise a baby alone. Are you?
Continue reading on Sexually active teen girls; wake up - Nashville Parenting |
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Author Spotlight: LaNiyah Bailey - Debut 6-year-old Author
LaNiyah Bailey is a 6‐year‐old author with a message for children like her – just because you are bigger than other kid, that doesn’t mean that people have the right to bully you.
In her debut book, Not FAT Because I Wanna Be, LaNiyah details the struggle of Jessica, a fictional girl who has an underlying medical issue that causes her to gain weight. Bullied by her peers, Jessica learns to accept her body and eventually opens up about her condition to her classmates.
LaNiyah is not only speaking to other children through her book, but has become an advocate for anti‐bullying organizations. With a message that words can hurt and that not all weight gain is due to an unhealthy lifestyle, LaNiyah hopes her book will enlighten and entertain her young readers.
Not Fat Because I Wanna Be
Written by: LaNiyah Bailey
Publisher: Createspace/Bright Girl Publishing, Inc
ISBN Number: 978-1461006763
Publication Date: March 2011
Genre of Book: Children’s Picture Book
Book Blurb:
Six year old LaNiyah Bailey has a message for bullies and teasers alike: "Just because I look different doesn't mean that I'm not human or I am a monster like people make me feel. I'm just like you, a beautiful human being."
“Sometimes, I would not tell mom and dad how bad it really was. I’d go home and cry, cry, cry.” ‐ From Not FAT Because I Wanna Be
You can find out more about LaNiyah Bailey, her book and World of Ink Author/Book Tour at There will be giveaways, reviews, interviews, guest posts and more. Make sure to stop by and interact with LaNiyah and her mother, and the hosts at the different stops by leaving comments and/or questions. LaNiyah will be checking in throughout the tour and is offering an additional giveaway for those who leave comments throughout the tour.
In addition, come listen to Blog Talk Radio’s World of Ink Network show: Stories for Children at The hosts VS Grenier, Kris Quinn Chirstopherson and Irene Roth will be chatting with LaNiyah and her mother about NOT FAT Because I Wanne Be, being a youth writer, publishing a book and her experiences along with tips on how to deal with bullies.
The show will be live August 29, 2011 at 8pm EST. You can tune in at the World of Ink Network site at You can listen/call in at (714) 242-5259. (Note: if you can’t make the show, you can listen on demand at the same link.)
Book Giveaway Rules:
1. Join the Book Lovers Blog Hop. (One entry)
2. Follow the World of Ink Tours and leave a comment per tour blog stop. (must leave a real comment about the author, tour or book. Saying “this is cool” or “I love your book” will not count.) Make sure to include your safe email so we can contact you if you are the winner. Example: vsgrenier AT storiesforchildrenpublishing DOT com. (One bonus entry per blog stop)
3. Ask a question per World of Ink Tour blog stop. (One bonus entry per tour blog stop)
To learn more about the World of Ink Tours visit Stories for Children Publishing at:
August 10th - Families Matter Show
Once a month the Families Matter show address topics families, teens and children deal with everyday.
Come join us this month as hosts Kecia Burcham and VS Grenier talk about Stalkers and Abuse. There is help out their and they want to share information so you or a loved one can get the help you need.
Come join us this month as hosts Kecia Burcham and VS Grenier talk about Stalkers and Abuse. There is help out their and they want to share information so you or a loved one can get the help you need.
Drama does not keep boyfriends
By: Kecia Burcham
Teenagers are under extreme pressure largely by virtue of their age. There is pressure from parents, pressure to do well in school, sports and to fit in. This pressure is normal, and most teens are able to handle it. After all, life itself comes with pressure.
I'd like to address the girls in this article as I have noticed personally and in the news that there are some young ladies who are feeling extremely desperate. Society and popular culture continues to promote beauty, sex and coupledom as the things to aspire to. Sexual relationships are paramount in many of the most popular shows that teens do watch such as The Hills, Gossip Girl, 16 and Pregnant; even Sex and the City.There is a particular subgroup of girls who base their entire self concept on being someone’s girlfriend. You know these girls; maybe you are one of them. They compromise their values, put up with abuse and then, when things don’t work out, they resort to desperate measures. These measures often include pregnancy scares, cutting and/or suicide attempts.
This is a very small population, and it is alway serious when someone goes to these extremes. In most cases, these extremes are the result of true depression, lack of family support or some type of mental disturbance.
When it is manipulation as a way to force another's behavior, the concern is the utter desperation. What leads a young woman to believe that if she and her boyfriend break up; pregnancy, a dramatic attempt on her life or cutting herself will make him return? Most young men are completely turned off by such behavior because it implies instability and a neediness that most young men don’t know how to deal with. Even if an extremely sympathetic boyfriend was temporarily pulled back into communication with an ex-girlfriend over such an event; it is highly unlikely to be permanent. If he is made to feel responsible for someone else's choice, he may stay until the dust settles, but his heart won’t be there, and he’ll move on eventually whether the girlfriend knows it or not. Then he'll be called a cheater. If someone no longer wants to be in a partnership, it cannot be forced. You cannot demand affection, nor can you blame someone for your own choices. If it’s over, it’s over, and creating some dramatic scenario to maniuplate the situation is not only unfair, but it is not going to bring someone back. It is also going to damage your reputation. Someone else who might have been interested may view you as deeply troubled or a "drama queen".
Teen relationships end. You are still worthy and valuable. They are supposed to be opportunities to learn; to figure out what you like, what you don't like; to decide what you value and what you don't. Some work out, some do not, but manipulating someone with dangerous choices is not healthy. It is also very ineffective. If you or someone you know is considering something drastic as a means to an end, please remember that desperation is not attractive. If someone is not treating you well, or if they have decided to move on; Let Go! Find someone or help them find someone to talk to - parents, friends, coaches, teachers; they can all be supportive and help you realize that life is more than a boyfriend!
If reaching out is difficult, the below links might be helpful:
Continue reading on Drama does not keep boyfriends - Nashville Parenting |
Monday, August 8, 2011
August 9th - A Good Story Is A Good Story
Please join Marsha Cook on Tuesday August 9 at 6 PM-EST 5PM CST 4PM MT 3PM PST for an entertaining and informative discussion on writing screenplays and books.
The co- host on this weeks show is Bennet Pomerantz their very special guest this week is Jerry Robbins, who opened The Colonial Radio Theatre on the Air is an award winning (Parents Choice Award, Ogle Award) radio drama production company based out of Boston, Massachusetts. Officially established in 1995 by Jerry Robbins and Mark Vander Berg, Colonial can be heard nationwide on XM/Sirius Satellite radio. They have collaborated with such authors as Ray Bradbury (Something Wicked This Way Comes, The Halloween Tree, Dandelion Wine) and William Luce (Barrymore), and Walter Koenig (Buck Alice and the Actor-Robot) check out this website - it's all about Colonial Radio.
You can listen live or on demand at
The Maggie Project: Helpful Tips on Writing from author Tal Yanai
The Maggie Project: Helpful Tips on Writing from author Tal Yanai: "After seventeen years of studying and practicing spirituality, I decided to write my first book, a short spiritual guide for the road of li..."
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Blog Jog Day the 7th of August 2011
Welcome to Blog Jog Day! Please enjoy my site then click over to Bertram's Blog at to see what the next Blog has to offer! Lost in the links? You can always go back to the main Blog Jog Day Blog at and find a new link to jog from. Thank you for stopping by my site!
Special Blog Jog Giveaway!
Leave a comment about something you learned from this blog with your safe email (example: vsgrenier AT storiesforchildrenpublishing DOT com) and you'll be entered to win these two books.
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